我们感谢观眾对于今年 MBC 戏剧温暖的关爱和支持,为回报大家的支持,我们想邀请您参加 2024 MBC 演技大赏。MBC 戏剧在今年初最先播出了《夜晚开的花》,并推出了各式各样的戏剧类型,如动作、惊悚、心理等,为我们的观眾带来灵感和娱乐。今年的演技大赏是一个精彩万分的活动,演员和製作团队会齐聚一堂,一同庆祝和感谢大家的支持。连续六年现场直播之神主持人金圣柱,会和目前演出《现在拨打的电话》的蔡秀彬一起搭档主持,让这个难忘的夜晚更加精彩。观看 MBC 演技大赏,在 2024 年 12 月 30 日这一天度过格具意义的时光,并和最佳的男女演员一起为今年画下句点。期待您的参与和支持!...
《2023年KBS演艺大赏》于2023年韩国上映,由导演,全炫茂,金俊铉,陈世妍,金淑,文世允,南贤俊,朴愛理,玄周燁,林哲,李宥利,李英子,宋恩伊,洪京民,延政勋,玄胜熙,吴允儿,柳秀荣,金九拉,崔阳洛,彭賢淑,尹柱万,崔秀彬,崔乂园,赵宇钟,姜汉娜,金宣虎,金日宇,金载沅,金元植,萨姆·汉明顿,刘在石,胡玄珠,李同国,李镇赫,Lia Kim (韩国编舞家),姜亨旭,张度妍,金钟民,李辉宰,尹度玹,南珍,曺廷旼等主演的一部综艺!...
A couple embark on an early vacation. Left alone, their children cut loose until the boy gets caught for skipping school and things take an unexpected turn. Boasting exquisite camera work, the film is also unforgettable for its wholly original ending....
本片讲述了处于青春期躁动时期的性启蒙事例:生性腼腆的迈克(瑞恩•平克斯顿 Ryan Pinkston 饰)总是无法对暗恋女生表白;弗瑞德(迈克尔•塞拉 Michael Cera 饰)本想约会网恋女孩,却走错了房间;当查克(弗兰奇•莫尼兹 Frankie Muniz 饰)小心翼翼地试探女友南希(克里斯廷娜•迪罗萨 Christina DeRosa 饰)得到肯定后,他享受到了性爱的快感,然而对方如狼似虎的样子却令他仓皇逃窜……...
Charlie goes to the movie and falls in love with a girl on the screen. He goes to Keystone Studios to find her. He disrupts the shooting of a film, and a fire breaks out. Charlie is blamed, gets squirted with a firehose, and is shoved by the female star....
An embarrassing video of Anthony surfaces online right before his fifth high school reunion. The Smosh dudes then race to pull down the clip before it blows Anthony's chances of reconnecting with his teen crush Anna....